Friday, July 17, 2009

Alciver's Metal Hunt and Jen Death.... In summary!

Jen's death. Was injured. Went to alciver's name'd cottage to heal . Forgot about lycanthropy problem, so invited priest over the night of the full moon. First fatal mistake. When priest came, ran out of house in wolf form cause a wolf would be pretty damn freaked out by the house and priest got to middle of forest, woke up nude next morning in freezing weather. Cause of an incapcating wound. A being of golden light appeared unto him. Offered him a deal There was a witch hiding in the body of a young girl. If he would cleanse the evil, the being would heal him. He chose to annoy the being and the girl He chose.... poorly and therefore roasted on an open bed of stakes.
Alciver's metal hunt, Went to mountain, intellego terramed the metal. Rego terramed it out loaded up cart Rego terramed metal in cart into swords(Why? We do not know these things) Anyways, cartheading back. Ran into bandits. He decided to ... talk with them... and then in the middle of talking... start casting. That was... painful for all involved. Shiny?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Escape! (funny that's spelled the same way as escape...)

Presented with few other options and having exhausted their efforts at intellego, our Magi descend.
And find themselves confronted by an oddly familiar chasm though it has widened considerably. Yvonne shrugs and creates her wind bridge which immediately cracks in the middle and disappears from sight. Hijinks ensue. Calvin instructs a gremlin to leap the chasm. The gremlin does not make it. Calvin instructs a gremlin to throw Jen over the chasm. Jen does not make it. Yvonne and Calvin use magic to mitigate the effects of the fall upon Jen. Calvin attempts to climb down the chasm and upon falling finds himself looping… Yvonne waves as he keeps falling past her from the ceiling thru the chasm. Jen accepts some tea from the gremlinses… and then realises she is eating fae food. Jen is now addicted to tea. When Calvin resets to the edge of the chasm, Jen does too. Jen promptly dives off the ledge in search of more tea. Yvonne and Calvin do nothing to mitigate the effects of the fall. A voice interrupts the argument between Calvin and Yvonne. It is quickly established that a magical creature known only as the platypus is bound here and as the Magi are amusing, it will not let them leave. Negotiations result in Calvin setting free the magical being with the promise that it will not harm them or others unless they agree to it. It is also agreed that the Magi will return in a year’s time to play with it again for which they will be rewarded. Finally escape is achieved and the long journey back to the covenant begins. Virida runs off. Calvin, Yvonne and a badly injured Jen run into Alciver on the road. Sweet boy that he is Alciver creates a house for Jen to recuperate in and leaves one of the covenant’s grogs to watch over him in his convalescence.

Friday, June 5, 2009

One Stream, Two Chambers, Three Puzzles and a lot of Vis

After three days on the road the Magi and companion reached the village of Saint Sebastian. Leaving asides some small incidents involving fire, snow, witch craft and sainthood the villagers were persuaded to show Jen to the shrine of Saint Sebastian located some distance from the village in a cave. Yvonne and Calvin tailed them at a distance with Virida running between. The villagers departed after depositing Jen at the cave and it was time for the exploration to begin.

Upon entering the cave it was discovered that a small stream ran down the centre of the passageway and that strange glowing moss grew on the walls. Yvonne collected some moss on a stone to help light her dungeonlab. Further on the passageway forked and two tunnels led up and down. The upper passageway seemed well ventilated and the clear sweet tasting stream was running down that passage. Everyone ascended to the chamber in the right hand fork, except Yvonne who kept falling down because of the water and the divine-ness of the place. In the chamber was an island surrounded by water upon which a statute with outstretched arms stood, several glowing objects at his feet.

The first to attempt to cross to the statue was Jen who promptly found him her itself completely immersed in water which is quite a feat for a stream that’s only ankle deep. Just before it began to panic a voice spoke calmingly about the Divine, asking it to accept it truly with its whole heart. Upon doing so Jen immediately found itself standing in front of the statue on the island. It retrieved one of the artefacts lying at the feet of the statue and cross the small stream to join its companions. Calvin and Virida were soon to follow and also returned sporting small divine gifts.

At the fork in the passageway Yvonne impatiently awaited their return. The lower passageway led to down into the darkness and eventually to a large chasm. This barrier delayed our magi for sometime as they concocted various methods to get around it. Yvonne finally made a bridge of air and with Virida’s ropes and Calvin’s gremlinses skills, they managed to cross the chasm.

Finally they entered into a large chamber lit by flame. One wall of the chamber was oddly rounded and had a strange design marked on it, two others contained a number of objects and a set of hands and the centre of the chamber was taken up by a large chandelier and table with many coloured glowing flames on it.

Fascinated by these objects the group began to examine them. Upon discovering that here were puzzles for them to solve the Magi dissolved into a friendly competition to defeat the cipher, logic puzzle and flaming table. At each success a grinding rumbling sound echoed through the chamber from the vicinity of the curved wall. The Magi could feel themselves getting closer to the goal. However before they had completed the last challenge their companion took it upon itself to un-complete one by removing the coloured globe that Calvin had so carefully selected and placed into the hands on the right wall. Jen could only hurriedly replace the ball when the grinding rumbling sound was joined by the tinkling sound of breaking glass…
Upon completing the final puzzle the curved wall rolled back and the Vis source was revealed. A beautiful geometric design around a well of power produced crystals of raw magical power… most of which Jen had crushed by un-completing the puzzle.

As Yvonne and Calvin debated the best method to collect the crystals, Virida reached forth and tried to collect the shards of the broken vis with her fingers incautiously. The shards cut into her releasing raw magical power into her blood and triggering wizard’s twilight. Fighting against this frightening experience Viridia struggles free but not without results, her fingertips are now pure hard sharp diamonds. Jen immediately comes to her assistance with its knife, attempting to dig the crystals out of her skin but with no chirgury skills Jen is sadly ineffective and manages only to wound itself. Yvonne collects the power from the Vis shards into a few of the larger remaining pieces and plucks the whole crystals from the air. After a short debate where it is decided not to render down the now unconscious Jen for Vis but to instead cast a permanent female aspect onto it. Calvin unfortunately doesn’t quite succeed and manages to anchor this to himself instead of Jen. To douse the spell he extinguishes the red flame on the table the he linked it to, plunging the chamber into darkness. A quick creo ignem shows that the chamber no longer contains the puzzles and that the passageway instead of leading up out of the chamber leads down.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Journery to St Sebastions

The following is a true account of the year our magi spent at the Covenant of the Axe and Rods.

After the Aegis of the Hearth and the yearly cretamen, Francis approached Yvonne about a Vis source that he'd heard of near the village of St Sebastian. It apparently was unclaimed and he requested that it be explored and claimed on behalf of the covenant. After requesting the assistance of Calvin and Alciver, she left the regio’s to locate this Vis source. The Inn located outside the covenant proved an obstacle for Alciver whose unconscious form was left behind. Yvonne's childhood friend Jen who'd been travelling with her for some time joined her and Calvin who'd finally gotten directions to the village of Saint Sebastian. Upon the way a few strange occurrences... uh.... occurred. A young soldier rode out of the forest on their second night on the road. Accusing Jen of running away from home and not dressing appropriately. Jen became so enraged that he...err she turned into a wolf and ran off. Yvonne and Calvin, somewhat shocked by this development, chased the solider off and attempted to recover their friend. Calvin enacted a brilliant plan. He called forth from the earth... Gremlinses! These foot high stone magic might lifters were persuaded to play a game of catch that wolf.... unfortunately they all caught a wolf only one of which was the transformed Jen. Not to worry Yvonne created a small pit of earth for each Gremlin and wolf where they would stay til morning. The camp was soon after approached by a beautiful white deer that had been on the run from the fae hunt. Upon realising that her new companions were speaking in Latin and using hermetic magic Virida thankfully revealed herself as a human. Though unable to speak she communicated her intent to remain with the Calvin and Yvonne and Jen (who eventually turned back into a man... er girl). So the journey continued.